Tenant Find
We will undertake the following:
- Inspect the property and advise on any matters relevant to the suitability for letting
- Advertise the property in house and on our web site, both of which are updated regularly
- Prepare a lease / tenancy agreement
- Obtain a guarantor where appropriate
- Obtain a credit reference on the tenant, if requested (current cost £35 per tenant)
- Complete any claim forms in respect of Housing Benefit claim
- Collect a deposit along with the first month's rent
- Provide a statement of initial income and expenditure
Image Credit: Transport Executive

In addition to the Tenant Find service we will undertake the following:
- Provide a monthly statement of rent collected plus any credits and less any expenses
- Deal with maintenance issues and instruct approved contractors or such other contractor as the Landlord may specify
- Deal with ongoing Landlord / Tenant issues throughout the tenancy duration
- Periodic inspection to ensure compliance with tenancy / lease terms
- Processing of Tenant applications for housing benefit, etc.
- Follow up of Tenant arrears
- Assisting Landlords with regard to processing buildings, contents and indemnity insurance cover

Rental Payments
We will consult with the Landlord prior to the commencement of the tenancy in respect of the desired method of receiving rent, i.e. personal collection (by the Landlord) / standing order / cheque / cash / bank transfer
Unless otherwise agreed, the rent quoted to a tenant by us on the Landlord's behalf would be inclusive of all outgoings for which the Landlord is responsible, i.e. water rates, ground rent, service charges, domestic property rates, etc. The tenant would normally be responsible for gas, electricity, telephone and central heating oil

We can produce a Statement of Condition and Inventory of Furnishings on your behalf. Whilst every care will be taken in preparing same, we cannot accept liability for any error or omission on our part. Please note however that we are not Inventory Clerks. A charge may be made for this service.

Tenancy Agreement
Unless otherwise instructed we will use our standard tenancy agreement for all lettings.

Safety Regulations
It is the Landlord's responsibility to ensure that any rental property complies with current safety regulations. Further information and advice on current safety regulations is available on request.

Houses in Multiple Occupation
If you intend letting your property to students, or to more than 2 persons who are not members of the same family, then such property must be registered with the Housing Executive's scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs). Further information on this registration scheme is available from the NI Housing Executive or from our office.

Rent Remittances
Present banking arrangements are such that it is necessary for us to allow 5 working days for a cheque to clear before transferring monies to clients' accounts. No payment will be made to a Landlord until we hold cleared funds for Tenants. Payments to a Landlord will be normally be made using online BACS payment system. A monthly rental statement will accompany payment.

It is the Landlord's responsibility to ensure that their property is fully and adequately insured for the purpose for which it is used, including third party liability cover. We have details of competitive insurance policies currently on the market which can be provided on request.

Instruction to Solicitors
If it is necessary for a solicitor to take action due to rent arrears or breach of covenant, the Landlord will be responsible for instructing his own Solicitor and for all fees involved.

It will be the Landlord's responsibility to indemnify us as Agents against any costs, expenses or liabilities incurred on his behalf and in pursuit of our normal duties.

Tenancy Deposit Scheme
Tenancy Deposit Scheme Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 require all landlords who take a deposit for a private tenancy on or after 1st April 2013 to register the deposit with an approved tenancy deposit scheme. There a two types of tenancy deposit scheme: 1 CUSTODIAL SCHEME (free to use) 2 INSURANCE SCHEME (members pay a fee to protect each deposit)

Landlord Registration Scheme
The Landlord Registration Scheme collects and maintains up-to-date and accurate information on landlords and their properties. Under the law, all private landlords must register with the Landlord Registration Scheme.
It is the responsibility of landlords to ensure they are registered. Registration can be completed:
- Online www.nidirect.gov.uk
- or by calling advice line on 0300 200 7821
Information correct as at 01.08.2015